
David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall

ISBN: 9781319132101

Brief Summary

The latest edition of Myers and DeWall's Psychology connects students to recent research, develops critical thinking, and offers a multicultural perspective on human behavior.



Psychology Summary

Front Cover

The text provides a timeline of important events and figures in the history of psychology. It includes milestones like the establishment of the British Psychological Society in 1901, Mary Whiton Calkins becoming the first female president in 1905, and the introduction of the Rorschach Inkblot Test in 1921. Other significant developments highlighted are the work of psychologists like John B. Watson in behaviorism, Hermann Rorschach in inkblot testing, and Jean Piaget in child psychology. The text also mentions key publications such as "The Psychology of Subnormal Children" by Leta Stetter Hollingworth and "The Wisdom of the Body" by Walter B. Cannon. An important event in the timeline is the publication of "The Story of Psychology: A Timeline" by Charles L. Brewer from Furman University.

Page 1

The Story of Psychology: A Timeline

In the field of psychology, important milestones include the establishment of the first psychology laboratory in Germany by Wilhelm Wundt and the first formal U.S. psychology laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. Notable figures like William James and G. Stanley Hall have contributed significantly to the early development of psychology. Key events include the first U.S. Ph.D. degree in psychology, awarded at Cornell University, and the introduction of psychological tests like the Wechsler Intelligence Scale. Additionally, the book mentions important publications such as Benjamin Spock's influential work on child care and Alfred Kinsey's studies on human sexual behavior. Psychology continued to evolve with significant research on learning and memory by various psychologists.

Pages 2-8

The Story of Psychology: A Timeline

David Myers is a renowned psychology professor at Hope College, Michigan, known for his extensive research and writings in the field. He has received numerous prestigious awards and honors for his contributions to psychology, including multiple honorary doctorates. Nathan DeWall, a professor at the University of Kentucky, focuses on research areas such as close relationships, self-control, and aggression. He has also been recognized for his significant contributions to psychological science by various organizations. Both authors have made notable impacts in the field of psychology through their research, publications, and teaching endeavors.

Pages 9-12

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Best question and answer from the book

What are the latest findings in cognitive psychology research?

The latest findings in cognitive psychology research focus on areas such as cognitive neuroscience, cognitive therapies, and dual processing. Researchers are studying brain activity linked with cognition, including perception, thinking, memory, and language. Cognitive therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy are being used for conditions like depression. Dual processing theories explore how the brain processes information on two different tracks simultaneously. These findings aim to further our understanding of mental processes and behavior.


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