Abnormal Psychology

Ronald J. Comer

ISBN: 9781464171703

Brief Summary

This core textbook by Ron Comer covers abnormal psychology with theory, diagnosis, and treatment, offering a cross-cultural perspective and engaging online resources via LaunchPad.



Abnormal Psychology Summary


Trephination was used in the Stone Age to treat mental disorders. Hippocrates identified the brain as the source of mental disorders around 430-377 B.C. During the Middle Ages, demonological explanations and treatments were common. In 1547, Bethlehem Hospital in London was converted into an asylum. The peak of witch-hunting trials in Salem, Massachusetts was in 1693. The first American hospital exclusively for mental patients opened in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1773. Phillipe Pinel freed asylum patients in Paris in 1793. Benjamin Rush wrote the first American textbook on psychiatry in 1812. Dorothea Dix started a campaign to reform mental hospitals in the United States in 1842. Gregor Mendel published theories of genetics in 1865. The first laboratory for experimental psychology was established by Wilhelm Wundt in 1879. Emil Kraepelin's textbook in 1883 compared mental disorders to physical diseases. The American Psychological Association was founded in 1892. Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer launched psychoanalysis in 1893. Lightner Witmer established the first psychological clinic in the U.S. in 1896. General paresis was linked to syphilis in 1897. Freud published "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1900. Morton Prince used hypnosis to treat multiple personality disorder in 1900. Ivan Pavlov demonstrated classical conditioning in 1901. The first intelligence test was published in 1905. Dr. Alois Alzheimer identified Alzheimer's disease in 1907. Clifford Beers initiated the Mental Hygiene Movement in the U.S. with his autobiography in 1908. Freud visited America and lectured at Clark University in 1909. John Watson argued for abandoning the study of consciousness in psychology in 1913. The U.S. Congress outlawed nonmedical opioids in 1917. The Rorshach Test was published in 1921. Freud published "The Ego and the Id" in 1923. EEG was developed in 1929. Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935. Lobotomy was first used for mental disorders in 1935. Marijuana was made illegal in the U.S. in 1937. Electroconvulsive therapy was introduced in Rome in 1938. B. F. Skinner proposed operant conditioning in 1938. The Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale was published in 1939. LSD's hallucinogenic effects were discovered in 1943. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test (MMPI) was published in 1943. Jean-Paul Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" was published in 1943. Lithium salts were first used for bipolar disorder in 1949. The first antipsychotic drug, Chlorpromazine, was tested in 1951. Carl Rogers published "Client-Centered Therapy" in 1951.

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In the 1950s, sex-change operations and the founding of the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center were significant events. Family systems theory, desensitization therapy, and the introduction of Valium in 1963 were key developments. The Community Mental Health Act in 1963 led to deinstitutionalization. The publication of The Myth of Mental Illness and the proposal of rational-emotive therapy in the 1960s were important contributions. The 1970s saw advancements in cognitive therapy for depression and the launch of sex therapy. In 1973, homosexuality was no longer listed as a mental disorder. The discovery of endorphins in 1975 and the introduction of Prozac in 1987 were notable occurrences. The FDA approval of the first atypical antipsychotic drug in 1990 and the publication of DSM-IV in 1994 were significant milestones. In 2000, the completion of mapping the human genome was a major achievement. The 2008 "parity" bill was passed to ensure equal insurance coverage for mental and physical health issues.

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The text explores the concept of artificial intelligence, highlighting its potential to revolutionize different areas of society. It discusses how AI is being used in healthcare to improve diagnoses and treatment plans, as well as in industries like finance and transportation to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. The text also addresses the ethical considerations surrounding AI, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that these technologies are developed and used responsibly to prevent potential negative consequences. Overall, artificial intelligence is portrayed as a powerful tool with the ability to significantly impact various aspects of our lives.

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Best question and answer from the book

What causes mental disorders according to recent studies?

Recent studies in abnormal psychology suggest that mental disorders are likely caused by a combination of biological, genetic, psychological, and sociocultural factors. These factors may interact in complex ways to contribute to the development of various disorders. For example, schizophrenia is believed to have distinct biological and genetic origins, while autism is thought to be primarily caused by cognitive limitations and brain abnormalities. Bipolar disorders, on the other hand, are best explained by biological factors, possibly inherited and triggered by life stress. Overall, researchers emphasize the importance of recognizing the multiple causes that may contribute to different mental disorders in abnormal psychology.


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