

Highlight a segment of the text and extract the most important information by generating a summary.

Bullet point Summarization

Highlight a segment and generate bullet points to find the key pieces of information.

Question Answering

Pose a question and get a full answer based on the contents of your document.

Question Generation

Create a quiz by generating multiple choice questions and flashcards. Test your progress.

AI Lookup

Need to find the meaning of a word, expression or thought? AI Lookup searches the web for your answer based on the context of your book.

Full Document Summarization

This feature uses AI to turn lengthy documents into brief summaries, enabling users to quickly understand main points.

Knowledge Evaluation

Keep track of your progress by completing customised tests from your deck of questions. Find your weak spots that you will have to concentrate on.

Check features

Free Plan

Read, take notes, organize your learning materials and try Quino's AI features.


Student Plan

Boost your study sessions with Quino and take advantage of all the AI tools.


Pro Plan

Ready to deep dive into research? Need to complete a longer study? Make sure you have all tools at the ready at all times.

Check prices


Prepare for exams and pop-quizzes quickly, get help with assignments and essays.


Save time by generating notes & summaries on any variety of books, organizing them as it best suits you.


Organize and process large sets of data, access all the information any time.


Upload studies, research papers, articles & more. Set up a project, find & cross-reference the subjects you need.


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ChatGPT vs Quino

What is the best AI learning assistant for university students? Explore how AI can help you study faster.

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How to Learn 10x Faster

Discover methods to absorb knowledge faster! Explore techniques like active recall, multisensory learning, and spaced repetition to optimize your study sessions.