
What secrets about WWII espionage are uncovered in this book?

Mark Harmo

ISBN: 1400337011

Quino Ai


The book uncovers several secrets about WWII espionage, particularly highlighting the complex dynamics of intelligence operations in Hawaii. It reveals how government officials, such as Gero Iwai and Douglas Wada, navigated suspicions towards Japanese American communities while simultaneously working to identify real threats, like Japanese spies posing as diplomats. Wada, a key figure in ONI, handled sensitive materials, including intercepted communications, which provided crucial insights into enemy operations but also put him at risk of exposure. The text also discusses the paranoia surrounding seemingly innocuous groups, such as martial arts societies, which were scrutinized due to historical associations with nationalism. Furthermore, the book illustrates how intelligence gathering included not just covert operations but also the analysis of public materials like newspapers and literature to assess public sentiment and identify potential threats. Overall, the book highlights the intricacies of counterintelligence work and the often hidden yet vital contributions of agents like Wada and Iwai during the war.

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